You will photograph Canyon de Chelly, Monument Valley, the famed Slot Canyons, Coyote Buttes, Canyonlands, Arches, or several Colorado River areas while touring the Navajo Nation and other Native American communities in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah. You can also experience the history of our Native American Warrior Women, rare petroglyphs, and unusual cliff dwellings as part of your Customized Photo Safaris and Adventures!

"Discover the Life-Changing Secrets

of Light and Inspiration By Learning

The Magic of the Canyons"


You will create award-winning prints, recharge your imagination, and meet like-minded people that will share their experiences and techniques.

When you come along on a Southwest Photo Safari adventure, you join with working photographers to see how they approach each photo opportunity. You will create the images you've always wanted.

You will improve your photography skills and change your way of looking at the world by learning to see light differently.

In just the past ten years, participants in these safaris have received dozens of awards for their prints, including many merits for the pros working on their master degrees and amateurs wanting local, regional, and national recognition.

Owners of photography businesses have gone home recharged, inspired, and able to move their businesses to the next level. Non-pros have learned skills and gained so much confidence that they become an inspiration to their fellow photographers at home.

Photographing with like-minded photographers in these relaxed, magical places allow you to make new friends and form a reliable resource network. The team atmosphere allows adventurers of all skill levels to create beyond their expectations. It's just plain fun.

If you've always wanted to know exactly how some photographers get access to the most beautiful locations and have wanted to learn their secrets, sign up now!

If you are fascinated with the American Indian culture and have never been able to bridge the gap to approach a stranger and take their photograph, you'll want to read every word on this website to see why investing your time in a Southwest Photo Safari adventure is the breakthrough experience you've always wanted—GUARANTEED!

You know that you deserve to visit this beautiful and mysterious part of the world.

A small investment reaps great rewards.

Few people ever experience sharing part of a culture that is so vibrant and colorful.

Few people get to venture behind the fences and into the private areas.

Few photographers get to learn the secrets of "going with the flow" like your adventure leaders.

Become one of these few that can come along with Carmen, Roger, and David to see for yourself and create the images you've always wanted.

And, it gets even better in 2012!

Now you can accompany each of these masters when they are working on one of their ongoing "secret projects".

You must give David a call to find out how. He'll give you a list of choices to be part of this creative process by taking photos yourself, helping, and having fun. Get on the priority list today!

Read a letter that shows and gives you a feeling of what part of a day photographing in Canyon de Chelly is like by clicking right here.

Look at our 2012 schedule by clicking here.

Contact us right now to see if there are any spaces left or to ask questions not answered on our "Frequently Asked Questions" page.